Metabolic typing test pdf

Our clinic, metabolic nutrition, in mill valley, ca is where dr. Metabolic type nine metabolic type ten recap of the ten types of metabolism vegetarian types carnivore types balanced types how to order dr. It can help you stabilize your weight at optimum levels, and improve your overall health and energy. The metabolic typing diet is a book written by william l. Metabolism type test adapted from the metabolic typing diet wolcott and fahey 2000, 5, this simple test is the most basic way to determine your metabolism type. Metabolic typing is the missing link that explains why one persons food may literally be another persons poison. You actually need to eat a mixture of protein type foods and carbo type foods. If you are interested in revolutionizing your health, youve come to the right place. Its important to learn how to eat right for your metabolic type because the same foods that keep your friends slim may be making you puffy and tired.

Glossary acid alkaline ph of the body the degree of acidity or alkalinity, which is regulated by several of the fundamental homeostatic controls. You are definitely a fast oxidizer of carbohydrates. The bible of metabolic typing, as stated by the prestigious pricepottenger institute, is the greatest advancement in metabolic typing in 150 years. In the metabolic typing diet, wolcott and acclaimed science writer trish fahey provide simple selftests that you can use to discover your own metabolic type and determine what kind of diet will work best for you. The healthexcel system of metabolic typing, is a proprietary process of evaluation of the interrelationship of the bodys three main systems for the creation, maintenance and control of energy. For such individuals, a simplified personalized metabolic typing selftest kit was developed for home use. Discover your metabolic type and youll discover your diet. Does a muffin or plain toast give you enough energy to last until lunch. Metabolic typing was introduced by william donald kelley, a dentist, in the 1960s. At sharing selfimprovement discover if you are a protein, carb or mixed type much of the information has been copied from the previous page but presented here in a quick reference format. The basic premise of the metabolic typing diet is that we are all individuals, biochemically speaking. To succeed at any diet, you must know your metabolic type.

You will do better on a diet restricted in carbohydrates, and rich in purine. Individuals who operated primarily under the influence of the oxidative system would be typed as fast oxidizers if they had acid blood, or slow oxidizers if the had alkaline blood. Paul cheks pps success primal pattern diet questionnaire. The metabolic typing diet is based on the premise that metabolismthe processes the body uses to convert food into energy, like breathing. Finding out your metabolic type could be the biggest step you make towards having the body youve always wanted. Eight distinctive metabolic categories can be identified through properly obtained, assayed and interpreted hair samples. These include the fast metabolic types, 1 through 4, and the slow metabolic types, 1 through 4.

Metabolic questionnaire graeme thomas sports nutritionist. The tests performed include basal metabolic rate measured for 20 minutes at steady state. The following transcript has been reproduced from the written transcript of dr. Five professional rugby players took part in this pilot study. It might be a lowfat, high carbohydrate diet filled with pasta and grains, or a highfat, highprotein diet focused on meat and. The speed at which food is broken down to produce energy is called the metabolic rate. Recall that the metabolic typing questionnaire is for informational purposes only. If after reading this report you feel you would like to take the metabolic typing advanced test then full details are available on the website. If for any given question you are certain that none of the responses. Metabolic typing test adapted from the metabolic typing diet wolcott and fahey 2000, 5, this simple test is the most basic way to determine your metabolic type. Chapter viii metabolic typing discovering your personal nutritional needs basic metabolic considerations. Pdf physiological analysis of the metabolic typing diet in. Discover your metabolic type with this quiz and learn what you should be eating to feel full, shed pounds and get energized. The selftest itself will take an average person four to five hours to complete and when finished, youll know more about your.

Kelleys selftest for the different metabolic types. For the full book with the test, you will need to order the book by clicking on the following link. The metabolic type selftest instructions for each of the following questions, please circle the one response a, b, or c that best applies to you. This metabolic questionnaire will help you identify what types of macronutrients you should be eating, as well as which foods might be best for your metabolic type.

The faster the process, the more fat you burn, but if it is slower, you store more. Sometimes eating relieves my anger and it doesnt really matter what i eat. The concept that we all digest and metabolise food differently based on our genes first made headlines in the late 70s when william wolcott, a metabolic researcher, discovered a relationship between the bodys oxidative system which determines how quickly your body converts food into energy and the autonomic nervous system which regulates involuntary. Kelley developed his selftest for the different metabolic types in the. The author converts a jigsaw puzzle of specialized information into a paradigm for managing food choices. When i feel angry, eating meat or fatty food seems to make it worse. Gaining weight when you eat the wrong foods for your metabolic type, the. The healthexcel system of metabolic typing is based upon decades of clinical research and has been in use for more than 25 years. Metabolic typing questionnaire this questionnaire is designed to help you determine the optimal macronutrient ratio fats, proteins, carbohydrates to begin the process of finetuning your bodys feedback mechanisms. Metabolic typing is a scientific approach to your health that carefully looks at your unique digestive system and recommends the specific foods and supplements that support your unique body structure. It is not intended to treat, diagnose or cure any ailments or illness you may be experiencing and is not a substitute for proper medical care. Harold kristal developed his orginal, inoffice testing protocol, the kristal method of metabolic testing. The mixed type diet if youre a mixed type, it means youre somewhere in the middle of the other two types, which have more pronounced or clearcut metabolic imbalances. Although the selftest kit does not allow us to check as many metabolic markers or assess as many secondary imbalances as we would during an office visit, it does provides enough information for the staff of personalized metabolic.

Does one cup of coffee make you feel jittery and irritable. The metabolic typing diet is different from most diet books in that regard. As explained in part 4 of this series, there are 3 basic gentotypes. Knowing your metabolic typing will help match your nutrition to your unique metabolism and consequently balance your body chemistry. To find out your personal metabolism type and my recommended action plan for people with your type, simply enter your email below. The older docs who developed metabolic typing, used ph of venous blood to determine the subtype within the dominant metabolic system characterized the individual. Did you know that everyone has a unique metabolic type. Anger and irritability skip question if you do not experience anger or irritability that is affected by food a. Do you feel energetic after a highfat breakfast like bacon and eggs. Metabolic typing the metabolic typing dietcustomized.

Fast oxidizers require high protein, highfat, and low carbohydrates. We are different in the way that various foods affect our biochemistry, our gene expression, our health, weight, of all of the nutrition books that ive read, this. Thats because different types of metabolisms respond differently to weightloss strategies and if youre using the wrong strategy with the wrong metabolism type youre not going to. The truth is that no one diet is right for everyone.

The metabolic typing healthexcel is based upon the nutrition system formulated by william wolcott. Wolcott and trish fahey, and it was published back in 2002. The authors were seeking to educate readers about their own individual metabolism, as it is a unique part of each persons individual dna makeup. I have just taken my nutritional profile metabolic test. Mixed oxidizers require relatively equal amounts of protein, fats, and carbohydrates. Metabolic type metabolic typing for customized nutrition via the healthexcel system explains why one dietnutritional approach works for one, but fails for another.

Widely recognized as the definitive, authoritative work on metabolic typing, this book marks the first time in the last 75 years that information on this clinical science has been released to the public. Metabolic typing food plan sharing self improvement. Have you tried countless diets only to find they didnt work. Circle the answer that best completes the following 25 statements according to how. Kelleys self test for the different metabolic types metabolic type chart metabolic efficiency metabolic inefficiency chapter ix physiological reactions to eating and taking supplements according to your. Kelleys self test for the different metabolic types.

Just as indigenous eskimos thrived on diets high in fat and protein, and tribes in equatorial regions of the world thrived on a higher carbohydratebased diet, we all share a genetic and functional requirement for specific. Reprinted with permission from the metabolic typing diet. Just thinking about well controlled studies in similar population groups, we do see subtle metabolic differences but not as dramatic as you would expect if metabolic typing held true. In 1970, kelley was convicted of practicing medicine without a license, as he had diagnosed a patient with lung cancer based on a fingerstick blood test and prescribed nutritional therapy. Circle the letter of the phrase that best completes the following 25 statements according. For those of you not sure what a fat, protein or carbohydrate is, let me simplify that for you. Why should i use ultra life supplements instead of some from my local health food store or some other supplier a. Metabolic typing scientifically identifies the ideal diet and supplements for each person for weight loss, optimal health, energy, fitness, immunity. How can someone eat the best organic foods, take the finest nutritional supplements that money can buy, get plenty.

Kelley advocated basing dietary choices on the activity of ones sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. My point is that while carb types feel better on a diet of as much as 70% carbohydrates, the carbohydrates need to be composed of real food, not junk food, no. It recommends certain supplements from ultra life, inc. Rediscover the wisdom of ancestral diets with the metabolic typing diet. Circle the answer that best completes the following 25 statements according to how you actually feel, not how you think you should feel. The metabolic type self test instructions for each of the following questions, please circle the one response a, b, or c that best applies to you. Wolcott and trish fahey, published by doubleday, january, 2000. Kelleys self test for the different metabolic types ed. This guide will introduce you to the how metabolic typing works. Thats because the right solution for you the only solution that will produce the results you want must fit.

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